Past Tense

Verbs Rules

Regular Verbs :

Verb ending in...                           How to make the simple past                              Examples 

 E                                                                Add- D                                               Live - Lived
                                                                                                                              Talk - Talked
Consonant + Y                            Change  Y  to I, then add - ED                         Try - Tried
                                                                                                                              Cry - Cried

One vowel+ One conso-          Double the consonat, then add - ED                   Tap - Tapped
nant                                                                                                                 Commit - Committed

Anything else including                            add - ED                                         Boil - Boiled

 The verbs "was, wrote" are irregular past forms. "was" is the simple past of "to be"; "wrote" is the simple past of  "write".
More on the simple past of "to be" here.
There is no rule for these verbs. you should learn them by heart.
The infinitive the simple past
be was/were
write wrote
come came
do did
meet met
speak spoke
As you cas see we can not predict the simple past forms of these verbs. They are irregular. Here is list of irregular verbs

Pronunciation  Example

Example of the exercises
